When I sent out the notice of the passing of Lefty Nordhill, my email to Edwin Anderson bounced. I found out that he had passed away last May.
In 1958, Edwin Anderson was a LTJG flying with Crew 3 and performing ground duties as the Schedules Officer. In 1960 he was the PPC of Crew 11 and served as the Assistant Administration Officer. He was promoted to Rear Admiral in Nov 1984 and retired in Jan 1987.

Allen-Beyer Funeral Home Obituary
Edwin was born on January 13, 1936 and passed away on Tuesday, May 7, 2019. Edwin was a resident of Florida at the time of passing.
No record of any services or burial could be found. The only newspaper reference located was a Legal Notice to creditors about claims against his estate which was published in the Key West Weekly News on June 13th and 20th 2019. If anyone has any more details about his burial, please let me know.

Larry HamesAVCM USN (Ret)
VP-4 1975 – 1978
VP-4 Veterans Assn Database Manager
database@vp4association.com (503) 688-9804
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